Data Protection Notice

Please note that your collected personal data will mainly be stored in an automated file. The type of collected data results on the basis of Sec. 10 (2) of the Thuringian University Regulations (ThürHG) from Sec. 6 (1) and (2) from the Regulations for Data Protection at Universities of the Free State of Thuringia (ThürHDatVO) as of 12 April 2012.

Data will be stored for internal project purposes, e.g. administration of the project participation and project statistics. Part of the data will be rendered on the basis of Sec. 3, 4 of the Higher Learning Statistics Act (HStatG) in conjunction with Sec. 5 ThürHDatVO anonymously to the State Statistical Office and – for the period of third-party funding – to the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The retention periods for such data do apply to the general regulations.

Without your permission, personal data will not be passed on to third parties, except the university has the legal obligation to pass on the data. The university is allowed to pass on your data within the university administration. Only the data that is relevant for the specific administrative procedure will be passed on. Part of the data will be rendered anonymous and passed on to the State Statistical Office.

A non-disclosure obligation applies for all institutions or persons, to whom individual data are passed on.

After fulfilling all purposes of data collection, the data will be deleted, except the university has the legal obligation to keep or archive the data.

Legal foundations of data collection and processing

Collection and processing of the data queried in this registration will be based on the following provisions:

  • Enrollment Regulations of Friedrich Schiller University Jena, as amended,
  • Data Protection Act of the Free State of Thuringia, as amended,
  • Regulations for Data Protection at Universities of the Free State of Thuringia (ThürHDatVO), as amended,
  • Higher Learning Statistics Act, as amended.


I agree that the decision about admission or rejection of your application to participate in the project and invitation to events related tot he project participation will be sent to the given e-mail address in the online application system.


Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Career and Welcome Point
Zertifikat Karriereplan
Verena Wilk
Am Planetarium 8
07743 Jena
Phone + 49 (0) 3641 930830
Fax + 49 (0) 3641 930832